Thursday 17 December 2015


In this article I will let you know the best 5 websites to download free eBooks legally. An ebook is a text presented in a format which allows it to be read on a computer or handheld device. Many titles which are available in printed versions can be read as ebooks, including bestselling fiction, classics and reference texts.
Whether it might be a novel or a subject text book, it is available in the form of eBook and that too in different format as PDF, .DOCX, EPUB etc. Because of people’s interest, there are many websites which provides you free eBooks downloads.  If you search for eBooks on the Internet, you will come across many sites, but not all of them are legal. It is advised to not go towards illegal websites. 
To those who are searching for website to legally download free eBooks this article would be of high help. 
1. Book Boon
Book Boon provides you the text books of IT and Programming, Natural Sciences, Career & Study Advice and many more along with the Business books for free. If you are looking for any of those eBooks, then Book Boon is for you. It does not require any registration and it is advised to subscribe to the news letter to download the required eBook.
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Many Books provides you the way to choose the eBook by number of downloads. eBooks of this website supports iPad, Kindle and any other eReaders. Once you select the book, you can prefer the downloadable format based on your convenience. Using recommendations you can even browse through the website and it is one of the reputed source of eBooks.
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Wednesday 16 December 2015

Add Twitter Timeline Widget on your Blogger or Wordpress Site

Twitter has introduced a new Twitter timeline widget for Blogger and Wordpress platform. Adding this time line is very easy and it will make your site more eye catching. Twitter timeline widget offers good number of customization's  So now I am going to explaining below how to add the new Twitter timeline widget on your site.
Step 1 Go to the Create Widget page and log in to your account.
Step 2 Now Click on widget and Click on Create Widget from top right corner.
Step 3 You’ll see 4 main tabs at the top under the heading ‘Choose a timeline source

 twitter widget
Step 4 Select User Timeline and fill up the required details like username (favourites list/keyword), height of the widget, link color, etc.
Step 5 If you want tailored suggestions (i.e. who to follow, similar interests, etc) from Twitter then leave the check box unchecked.
Step 6 On the right hand side you can see the preview, so you can tinker with the options based on the result from time-to-time.
Step 7 Finally Click the ‘Create Widget‘ button and copy the HTML code from the textbox.
Step 8 Finally add a gadget ‘HTML’ in blogger layout and paste the code and save it.
So that’s it. Now you can see a beautiful Twitter Timeline widget on your site with your latest tweets.


VLC Media Player contains a pack of useful features. Whatever media file you may have, VLC Player helps you to play that file. Apart from playing any file format, we also know that we can stream videos using VLC Player. Now, we are going a step forward and will use the most interesting feature of this player. We can record desktop screen using VLC Player easily. Though there are many screen recording  software available, this comes handy when you need to record the screen immediately with your installed VLC Media Player on Windows10/8/7.

Record desktop screen using vlc player

VLC Player allows us to record the screen to the maximum of what it can and it does so, at a good level when compared to other screen recording software. In this article, I will take you step by step procedure of how to record desktop screen using VLC Player easily.

Record Desktop Screen Using VLC Player

First open VLC Player and click on “View” tab and select “Advanced Controls”. Now, you can see some additional controls are being shown on the VLC Player.
record desktop screen using vlc player additional controls

Click on “Media” and on “Open Capture Device” option.
record videos using vlc player open capture device

It opens “Open Media” dialog box with “Capture Device” tab being opened by default. Select “Desktop” option from the “Capture mode” dropdown box.
use vlc to record screen choose desktop

Set the “Desired frame rate for the capture” to 10.00 f/s.
vlc player records video choose frames per second

To make it clear, VLC only allows us to capture the screen and it does not record the audio or voice automatically during this activity. But, do not worry. We have an option to add the recorded voice the voice as well. Select the “Show more options” check box and you can see some more options.
vlc record desktop screen show more options

You need to record the voice before and add it. Click on “Play another media synchronously” check box and browse the audio file which has your recorded voice.
record videos with VLC play media synchronously

Click on the down arrow associated with the “Play” button and select “Convert”.
vlc records desktop screen click convert

“Convert” dialog box gets opened. Click on the “Create a new profile” button.
create new profile for vlc

The “Profile edition” dialog box opens up with the “Encapsulation” tab being opened by default. Enter the “Profile Name” and select “MP4/MOV” radio button.
vlc recording the screen give profile name

Tap on the “Video codec” tab and check the option “Video”. Under “Encoding parameters” tab, choose “H-264” option from “Codec” dropdown box and click on “Create” button.
record screen using vlc select Codec

Now, you are taken back to the “Convert” dialog box and click on “Browse” to set the location of the “Destination file” to save the recorded video.
select destination path recorded video file

From the “Save file” dialog box, choose the destination path, enter the “File name” and hit “Save” button.
give name to video recorded using VLC

Desired destination path is shown and click on “Start” button.
start the video recording using vlc

Now, whatever you are doing is being recorded by VLC Player which can be confirmed by the red colored recording button. You can pause the recording by clicking on the play button.
video recording button in vlc

Once you are done with the recording, click on the Stop playback button.
click button to stop recording

Head over to your destination folder and you could see the recorded video over there. Just double click it to start playing the video.
vlc player to record videos on desktop

This is the way to record desktop screen using VLC Player on your Windows PC.

Note: This features only works on Windows 10